The Orgasm Paths


Betina Juglair

7/25/20225 min read

Ah, the orgasm, what everyone wants to achieve! ❤️‍🔥 Alone or accompanied, with or without toys, through as many stimuli as possible… Where to start, how does it end? Can it happen again? If I can't have one, is there something wrong? How to have it? 🥹

What if we told you that the orgasm shouldn't be an end point, but a joy along the way? 💫 And that it's not just a localized effect on the genitals, but a whole body process? 🌚🌝 if you've never had an orgasm, or want to have better orgasms, these posts are for you 🧚‍♀️ We were inspired by the exhibition “Amor Veneris” by @mu.s.e.x to think about orgasm from 3 points (brain, skin and genitals), in a trajectory that has no right order, but is free, fluid and interactive 🌹

With that in mind, and on the Orgasm Day celebrated on July 31st, we made a brief incursion into the paths (and detours) of orgasm. We were inspired by the exhibition “Amor Veneris” by @mu.s.e.x to think about orgasm from 3 points (brain, skin and genitals), in a trajectory that has no right order, but is free, fluid and interactive 🌹

In the paths of orgasm, the brain is where it all begins: it is where the responses to sensory stimulation are processed, where excitation and relaxation hormones are released, where good or bad memories are activated, where we experience fantasies, memories and stimulations, where the perception of the five senses is activated - it is where the smells, sounds and tastes that excite us are transported! 👄

So, if you feel stuck, anxious, maybe it's because there are things going on in your head. 🧠 try to put on a different sound, drink a little something to relax, look at the stars 💫 (or close your eyes), or remember good times! 🌈 everything is valid <3

Did you know that the skin is our largest body organ? there are more than 2m² of surface of pure feel! ✨ there is a beautiful sensual and sexual potency on the surface of our body yet to explore :) there's always something to explore, with yourself or somebody else, there are parts of us that yearn for touch, to feel a texture, a sensation, a warmth, a caress.🪶

The entire body can be a path to orgasm, but we suggest a special caress on the back of the neck, scalp, back, inner thighs and arms, breasts and nipples, behind your knees, on the palms of your hands and feet. you can play with massages, with sensation games (cold or hot), with pain… close your eyes and feel! 💆


Time to talk about these beauties that give us pleasure directly 💕

The clit0ris is a sexu4l organ whose only function is to give pleasure, so its direct stimulation leads to intense orgasms 🫦 with hands, penis, another clit, or with a pillow or a toy (dildo, vibrator or air-pulse toy), you can stimulate it in many ways. The v4gina contains the G zone, the extended region of the clit, where you have internal orgasms. Many ways to experiment!

What about the prostate? Enough talking about the penis, let's talk about this organ that is often overlooked or underestimated, which has an immense potency of pleasure 💕 the stimulation of the prostate is so powerful that you can feel orgasms just as intense or even more!

Lastly, what we all have, the anus 💕it is also a region full of nerve endings (like the clit and the penis), so there are lots of potential pleasures there 😉

Bodies are bodies and there's no reason to be ashamed to explore yours! with plenty of lubricant (always!), with imagination and pleasure, you can achieve sensations you can't even imagine ✨❤️‍🔥✨


Orgasm is a process with many variables and possibilities, which is why there are many aspects that can influence (to delay or inhibit) orgasm. Here are a few possible detours from the path:

Psychological aspects influence a lot in sexual life: past events, living and unresolved traumas, bad memories, physical or emotional violence inhibit us immensely. Our body remembers a lot of things, even what we are no longer aware of! In this case, we recommend therapeutic accompaniment, realizing what and where it hurts to seek healing.

Lack of self-knowledge or shame about the possibilities of one's own body and desire can also cause frustration, a feeling of helplessness/incompletion, in which some people wonder:

“Is my body wrong?” never! you just don't know your own path yet 🙂 explore your body little by little, and the use of some toy can be wonderful and essential!

“Is my sexual attraction wrong?” no way! every form of love and attraction is beautiful and valid 💕 surround yourself with people who love and accept you for who you are!

Orgasm is a process with many variables and possibilities, which is why there are many aspects that can influence (to delay or inhibit) orgasm. Here are some other possible detours from the path:

The use of licit or illicit substances can have a great influence on libido and orgasm result: the use of some drugs, remedies such as anxiolytics, antidepressants and even the contraceptive pill have side effects that include a decrease or complete inhibition of libido, as well as delaying or preventing orgasm. Read about the substances you consume and, if necessary, consider stopping (if recreational) or changing the medication!

Finally, you may have a health issue that hinders your sexual response: endometriosis, vaginismus, hormonal imbalance, erectile dysfunction… All these issues are possible to be investigated, treated and dealt with in order to have a healthy sex life! If you feel a lot of pain, know that this is not normal! Seek medical help, and know that you are not alone. ✨

Remember that we are not obligated to do anything we don't want or feel comfortable with! ☺️ Do things and experiment to the extent of your comfort and respect for your body and that of others. 🌈 The paths to orgasm must be pleasurable, never with shame, discomfort and suffering!